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the holdfast glue



what is vivifica?

Vivifica is a non-chemical environmentally friendly glue alternative for industrial use in electronics, toys, automobiles, construction, and footwear manufacturing. Caulobacter crescentus bacterium's adhesive qualities can be mass produced by genetically modifying Escherichia coli’s DNA through synthetic biology. The bioadhesive does not impact workers' health and has a lower carbon footprint when compared to commonly used synthetic adhesives such as heptane and hexane.

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why vivifica?

Adhesives are commonly used in everyday life for all kinds of repairs and are widely used by the automotive, construction, packaging, furniture, and footwear industries, to mention a few, over the years. Its increasing demand drives the annual growth in the use of adhesives. Adhesives are essential but can cause environmental damage, and are detrimental for the health of workers and communities nearby.

A new adhesive alternative for a healthier environment
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Contact us

Tel: +57 (1) 3182677333


E7: Biodesign Challenge 2020-1

Universidad de Los Andes

Design Faculty

© 2021 Vivifica. Stick to Life 

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